Graduated: Spring of 1999
Major: Management Computer Systems
GPA: 3.23/4.0
Honors earned: Fall of 1996 and spring of 1997
Skills Learned:
- C++, Pascal, Assembly of the IBM 370, SQL, HTML, Delphi, Acces, ORACLE Designer 2000, COBOL, and JAVA.
- Ability to apply concepts in programming, client server, systems analysis and design, database systems, data structures and object oriented programming.
- Ability to apply business concepts in areas such as accounting, statistics, and management.
- Developed an ASP database system for the University using Visual InterDev and Access.
- Arey Hall Council
- Elected Arey Hall Council Programmer from fall of 1996 to spring of 1999. Planned social and educational events.
- Participated on Orientation Team in fall of 1997.
- Association of Information Technology Professionals fall of 1996 to spring of 1999.
- Served on Internet Site Development Team from fall of 1996 to spring of 1997.
- Served on the Resarch Team during spring of 1998.
- Appointed Team Leader for the Communications Team in fall of 1998.
- Elected Recording Secretary in spring of 1999.
- UW-Whitewater Safewalk Spring of 1996 to Fall of 1996.
- UW-Whitewater Swim Team. 1995-96 Season.
- Served as Manager.
- Received a Varsity Letter Award.